
What are the advantages of using galvanized steel pipe and fittings?

What are the advantages of using galvanized steel pipe and fittings?
Galvanized steel is steel with a protective zinc coating. This coating has many advantages over other methods used to protect steel, and it makes galvanized steel pipe, fittings and other structures more desirable in many situations. Here are nine of the advantages associated with using galvanized steel.
1. Low Initial Cost
The galvanization process usually costs less than other popular methods of protecting steel. This is because the other methods are often labor intensive, and the cost of labor is always increasing. Galvanization requires less manual labor, and therefore has not been been affected by this increase.
2. Long Life
The main benefit of galvanized steel is its long life. Galvanized steel pipe, fittings and other structures can last more than 50 years in many rural areas, and more than 25 years in severely exposed urban and coastal environments.
3. Toughness
The unique metallurgical composition of a galvanized coating makes it very rugged. Therefore, galvanized products will resist damage during transport, assembly and service.
4. Low Maintenance Costs
Because of its ruggedness and long life, less effort is needed to maintain galvanized steel. This is especially beneficial when you have structures in remote locations that would be expensive to reach and service.
5. Standardization
The galvanization process is usually standardized so that every product meets certain standards. This means that you’ll be able to accurately predict the lifespan and performance of your galvanized steel pipe, fittings and other products.
6. Automatic Protection For Damaged Areas
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7. 360 Degree Protection
The galvanization process protects every part of a structure–every nook or cranny, corner or sharp recess. This 360 degree, total protection isn’t available with other coatings.
8. Easy Inspection
The inspection process for galvanized pipe and fittings is simple and straightforward. Galvanized coatings can be examined by eye, and their thickness can be tested with simple, non-destructive methods. If a galvanized coating appears intact and functioning, it is intact and functioning.
9. Fast Assembly
Once a galvanized steel product is manufactured, it’s ready to be used. There’s no need to prepare, paint or inspect the coating surface. Just erect the structure and move on to the next stage of construction.
As you can see, the galvanization process has many advantages over other protective coating methods. That’s why galvanized steel products have been so popular for so long.